Otvoren 2. Javni Poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga _ LEVIATAD
Otvoren 2. Javni Poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga _ LEVIATAD (Potpora inovacijama i internacionalizaciji europskih malih i srednjih poduzeća u sektoru obrane) Opći cilj ovog Poziva na dostavu projektnih prijedloga je financijski podržati projekte malih i...

POZIV NA DOSTAVU PONUDA – Nabava usluga vrednovanja projektnih prijedloga pristiglih na natječaj LEVIATAD
POZIV NA DOSTAVU PONUDA - Nabava usluga vrednovanja projektnih prijedloga pristiglih na natječaj LEVIATAD Nabava usluga vrednovanja projektnih prijedloga pristiglih na natječaj LEVIATAD, u cilju podržavanja inovacija i internacionalizacije Europskih malih i srednjih...

Registracije otvorene/Registrations opened
Registracije otvorene/Registrations opened Za sve zainteresirane otvorena je mogućnost prijave za Konferenciju Human-Machine interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence koja će se održati u Zagrebu 26. i 27. Rujna 2023 u organizaciji HKKOI, DG DEFIS i ENDR Mreže....

Otvoren Javni Poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga _ LEVIATAD (Akcelerator razine 1 za obrambeni sektor – pomorska obrana)
Otvoren Javni Poziv za dostavu projektnih prijedloga _ LEVIATAD (Akcelerator razine 1 za obrambeni sektor - pomorska obrana) Opći cilj ovog Poziva na dostavu projektnih prijedloga je financijski podržati projekte malih i srednjih poduzeća, kao i novoosnovanih...

Human-Machine interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence 26-27 September 2023 in Zagreb
Human-Machine Interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence, 26-27 September 2023 in Zagreb Joint ENDR and Croatian defence cluster Conference on September 26 and 27 2023: Human-Machine Interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence. We are proud to announce that the...

Croatian defence Cluster on ASDA 2023 presented LEVIATAD Project (Forming of EU Cluster of excellence in Naval Defence)
Croatian defence Cluster on ASDA 2023 presented LEVIATAD Project (Forming of EU Cluster of excellence in Naval Defence) Croatian defence Cluster on ASDA 2023 presented the LEVIATAD Project (Forming of EU Cluster of Excellence in Naval Defence). During the Adriatic...

Croatian defence Cluster actively preparing new visibility tools of Croatian defence industry
Croatian defence Cluster actively preparing new visibility tools for the Croatian defence industry The Croatian defence industry competitiveness Cluster actively preparing new visibility tools for the Croatian defence industry in 2023. We are constantly working for...

Croatian defence Cluster hosted SAHA Istanbul delagtion from Turkiye
Croatian defence Cluster hosted SAHA Istanbul delegation from Turkiye Croatian defence Cluster hosted SAHA Istanbul delegation. We are pleased that we have hosted our dear friends and partners from the Republic of Turkiye and partner association SAHA Istanbul. We...

SAVE THE DATE – LEVIATAD PROJEKT – Predstavljanje projekta i mogućnosti za Hrvatske MSP-ove
SAVE THE DATE – LEVIATAD PROJEKT – Predstavljanje projekta i mogućnosti za Hrvatske MSP-ove Dana 14. Veljače 2023 (Utorak), s početkom u 09:00 održat će se on line radionica radionicu i predstavljanje projekta LEVIATAD i početnih aktivnosti koje su već pokrenute.O...

Croatian defence Cluster delegation visits Ministry of defence Republic of Kosovo
Croatian defence Cluster delegation visits Ministry of defence Republic of Kosovo Croatian defence industry Cluster delegation visits the Ministry of defence Republic of Kosovo. The visit was organized on January 26 2023, as part of Economic Forum Croatia – Kosovo...

The Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness Cluster (HKKOI) organized an election assembly on December 19 in Zagreb
The Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness Cluster (HKKOI) organized an election assembly on December 19 in Zagreb The current convocation of the Cluster's leadership submitted their mandates to the Cluster General Assembly in a highly transparent manner, and a new...

EDA Chief Executive Mr. Šedivy meeting with senior representatives of participating Member States National Defence Industry Associations
EDA Chief Executive Mr. Šedivy meeting with senior representatives of participating Member States National Defence Industry Associations EDA Chief Executive, Mr Šedivy, meeting with senior representatives of participating Member States National Defence Industry...

European Defence Agency organized annual Conference 2022: Investing in European Defence
European Defence Agency organized annual Conference 2022: Investing in European Defence European Defence Agency organized the annual Conference 2022: Investing in European Defence.The high-level event allowed the wider European defence community to discuss how today’s...

Croatian defence Cluster attended the 7th ENDR meeting
Croatian defence Cluster attended the 7th ENDR meeting Croatian defence Cluster attended the 7th ENDR meeting. The European network of Defence-related regions was founded in 2016 by European Commission with the main aim of supporting the integration of defence...

Croatian defence Cluster hosted military envoys delegation situated in Croatia
Croatian defence Cluster hosted military envoys delegation situated in Croatia Croatian defence Cluster hosted military envoys delegation situated in Croatia. In line with the signed agreement on mutual cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the Croatian...